Iggy Runner
This CGI demo animation was made in collaboration with Igor Puškarić (Linktr.ee). He is responsible for creating the 3D model of the monster and animating it, while I am responsible for creating the entire environment with animations and texturing most of the monster. Sound effects were bought from Pond5.
For the setting, I chose an urban location reminiscent of cyberpunk. I placed the event inside a neighborhood that is a little further from the city center. The reason for this is because I didn't want to have too much lighting in the environment.
The main focus of this project is a monster that is a cross between a T-rex and a rat. I called it Iggy Runner and the 3D model (with a couple of textures) was made by 3D artist Igor Puškarić (Linktr.ee).
He is a CG generalist, 3D concept artist, modeler, illustrator , basic rigger and an animator, engaging primarily in sci-fi domains, in both organic, and hard-surface themed directions.
Igor Puškarić created a 3D model base in Zbrush, in which he sculpted and developed the concept idea. Retopology, UV, Rigging and animation was done in Blender 3D. To see more about this 3D model please visit ArtStation.
Later, most of the textures (90% of them) were added in agreement with Igor Puškarić.
Buildings were made in the style of a concrete jungle, a lot of details went into the buildings closer to the camera in the scene because they have the most attention of the viewer.
As for the topology, it is quite simple since the buildings are rectangular, so every polygon is also rectangular.
The streets are made in such a way that they look neat and maintained, but also that they are a little worn out.
The action on the street is made so that the course of events can be seen, such as setting up barricades, then a civilian car crashes into them, then into a light pole and ends up in a shop window
Civilian road crossing bridges and advertising bridges were added to fill the space with buildings and allow for posters and neon signs to be placed on this additional space.
Again, something like this was inspired by a cyberpunk city. I just couldn't leave out key factors like this.
The neon signs are one of my favorite details in this project because they give a real feel of the cyber future.
I made the holographic signs by taking pictures of real Chinese poster ads and then pasting them as a texture on a flat/rounded surface.
Each Chinese symbol in this project has its own meaning.
Footage from a police drone was also added to one of the screens, broadcast via live news.
To make the environment around the street more urban, objects that have their own function in society have been added.
I especially like the food vending machine, a menu was added to it along with a selection screen.
An inseparable factor of this project is the garbage on the street, which serves as evidence that people pass by and live there. Also concrete shards from the barricade and broken glass which stands as an extra detail of evidence that there was chaos on the street.
The primary purpose of the police drone is to provide additional lighting/focus on the monster. The police theme of the drone is to indicate the situation that takes place in the story, which is the arrival of the police and the attempt to contain the monster.
The vehicles were made with the aim of filling the space and creating a reason why some objects in the scene were destroyed. They also give an additional feeling in the picture that there is some threat because they are scattered everywhere.
3D models of these vehicles were modeled using ideas obtained from the 2D blueprint drawings of these vehicles, the blueprints were downloaded online while all the textures are custom made.
Maybe you didn't notice, but there are also details about the impact of rain on objects, to immerse more easily in the realism of the image.
These details were made by taking images from online sources and placing them on flat polygons