Tropical glam
Sunrise version of this image, this version was added because I wanted to show nature in a different lighting.
The mountains are densely populated with these 2D trees that were made by downloading PNG images of the trees, and then each of the tree got duplicated by 3 times and rotated around it’s axis by 45°.
I decided to go with the glamorous style of the building, something that will be futuristic and yet exotic. The whole workflow was rather simple, only a ground floor made of glass was modeled and then copy/pasted to create the rest of the building. Everything else was just making a wireframe of that ground floor model and adding materials to it.
The model of the man was added in the building to get an impression of the size of the building.
Minimal effort was put into creating these ships and boats because they had to be far away anyway. I chose to go with older and newer ship/boat designs.
If you take a closer look at the top right of the image, you might notice flying seagulls, they are modeled to look simple and low poly as they are quite far from the camera.